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Zhi, perhaps who don't also thought of an open city Wei thousand will lose in my hand, simultaneously watch of will get and soldier also all one face incredible appearance, 350 distances.This has already approached 2 times that of common bow and arrow artillery range, is also say the person that use organization Nu on the battlefield can at will of shoot-to-kill opponent, but the arrows of the projection of opponent pays a root to is own in front.
Returned to Zhang Ju Ya just and nearby, the small emperor looking at me with excited look, Tan Lun full face lookinging at of concussion I say:
"If there is this organization Nu.My northwest of will get any further need not fear riding of tartar soldier!"
And Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De's face up also peeped out astonished air, inwardly satisfied in my heart a , I also descended to settle an idea and wanted to come to a big great surprise again for several individuals.
Organization Nu's attacking by surprise to be apart from me is 500 according to the estimating of peacetime,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com.Equivalent to 300 meters, and see at the on trial data of in home according to the peacetime, if if from an after strict training of the superior come to operate of words, 500 inside of in the clout a rate can attain 50% much, this data is very and astonishing.
This age offends a city war, enemy soldier array all generally at 500 in, try to give it a bit of thought, be an enemy row just good, plan call war of time, sudden a few Nu arrowses would lead troops of tallest will get to shoot to die.Group without a leader, the non-commissioned officer in the city lends machine to kill out, the war situation will be a how big change, I not from get the fantasy wear the scene of combat.
Thought of here, my face up involuntarily must appear one silk smiling face, however is very quick me be awakenned from this idea Yin I:
"The son is hard, why laugh?"
I see Zhang Ju Ya is lookinging at me, I hurriedly refrained from rash action for a while and answered to say:
"Just I thoughted of that the greatly clear officers and men breaks the scene of tartar."
Zhang Ju Ya is having no to say again what, but I return overdo to this wait at part of the herald soldier say:
"Go to and put a target for archery to 500 places."
"500!?"Tan Lun looking at me with a kind of vision of"you are a bedlamite".
And Zhang Ju Ya be alsoing in astonishment looking at me, persuade a way:
"The son is hard, survey the world have already didn't enemy with the distance in nowadays, here so much will get now, need not play again to show?"
Now that Zhang Ju Ya is exactly use the tone that the company measures to say, is also say I can refuse, so I refused him very simply, then again station at the behind of the boundary.
After a few clear and crisp Nu Xians loudly move, field in the whole school up appeared a burst of take out the voice of air conditioner, immediately after exploded the discussion voice of a burst of sensation.
Don't saying is present of those people is Wu Tang who is after death total at ordinary times and contacts at me is also the surprise of the one face, 500 distances, all of five bow and arrows in the clout a target, this could use absolute being its skill to describe.
I am also a bit hard to believe, at ordinary times while practicing I also once tried 400 distances.And in the clout to lead also just 55 of number, what to don't thought of is today here but broke my own record, if say to make me encore, I can in the clout to I two all feel have no bottom in the heart, are still less fiveses all medium.
While issuing on order a soldier to lift a target for archery to the in front of just several individuals of Zhang Ju Ya, that has already stood over there with metal gray look after Jiang Jun Teng of simple medical treatment, but doesn't say what.
I passed the organization Nu in the hand to small emperor.Then is saying to Zhang Ju Ya:
"For matching with these organization Nu battle, I have some not mature battle thought, want with two adults negotiate for a while."
Zhang Ju Ya is ordering, say:
"Although say that this officer is a civilian post, however O.K. we are that the fields are at the school and have here many excellent officer."
I say to Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De and the small emperor:
"Please with me."
Arrived at a table neighborhood, I picked up to put a few cups to place for a while and simultaneously had three overlaps.But the part only have a , then I just say:
"The place that the tartar person gains advantage most , is that their hussars come and go like lightning flash, and the bow in the their hand wants compare me dynasty the artillery range of the officers and men far, again have, those tartar person since childhood practiced ride shoot.They after the quasi- head shot basically isn't what my dynasty officers and men can match, but had this organization Nu right away, the officers and mens as long as is best the Nu Xian while sprinting, then can without a break project 12 Nu arrowses while crossing swords."
Make reference to here, I raise head to looking at several individuals to add to say:
"Close quarter battle, these Nu arrowses enough shoot the tartar person's helmet to wear.And 12 Nu arrowses also enough officers and mens in the middle of assaulting of long range fighting strength, also have be because the artillery range of organization Nu is more even far than the heavy bow artillery range of tartar.",
I intentionally grind to a stop for a while, then just very heavily say:
"Our officers and mens can shoot to kill an enemy outside the enemy's artillery range!"
I point at the cup on the table to say again:
"Organization Nu although saying can use in a row, but those Nu arrowses used later of continuously pack but is also an affair for bothering.So face an enemy fast fiercely ride a soldier, we can establish into three rows of organization Nus, the officers and men of first row is used organization Nu shoot-to-kill enemy, taking aim at of second row.The continuous arrows of third row prepares.The three lines of officers and mens can promise that our Nu arrowses could don't interrupted of shot into an enemy, by so doing those riding of tartar soldier's advantage will have no the slightest can talk."
Wait me own of the days cut and polish of the things just discover several individuals to all just looking at me with the very surprised vision after all speaking, connect that Jie Ao don't tame of Jiang Jun Teng also just and shockedly looking at me.
Zhang Ju Ya is just some to is hard to believe ground to looking at me, then says:
"If according to son hard say, the war of that northwest is disorderly isn't an easily solved?"
I am tiny tiny on smiling, then say:
"Whether can solve problems with the greatest ease, I don't know, however I miss my organization Nu can absolutely let even and disorderly officers and men of imperial government ascend a step!"
Tan Lun is also some to excitedly say:
"If saying this organization Nu can be used the troops of imperial government, that hereafter my troops of big Ming Dynasty will Ao however of stand erect the earth at the absolute being state up."
But small emperor at silent after a long time, the sudden says:
"The Sir achievement can seal Hou!"
"Thank emperor for sealing to appreciate!"I don't wait others to say the another and immediately kneel down Xie Feng.
These several days of affair lets I to Zhang Jia already some Be getting more angry, now that make a decision be tearing open face, so I certainly needed to hold firmly the real strenght of opportune moment increment I.
Small emperor also because this action of mine and the noodles permit shocked, but soon he resumes equanimity, while Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De and Tan Luns also return to absolute being this time, Tan Lun says:
"Your Majesty, this organization Nu although saying is ingenious and matchless, and saying also has 1-day-old benefit to the officers and men of our army, but seals Hou to do obeisance a matter from time immemorial only build up not willing get of a life time eminent contribution just can get, if list with such an organization Nu Hou, seem to seem to be too to think thrice for careless, returning inviting an emperor!"
Zhang Ju Ya just is also say with serious look:
"This affair is no laugh matter, wait this officer to return to and a few adults of cabinet negotiate for a while, the son is hard to dedicate this organization Nu achievement can not put on, seal to appreciate to absolutely can not help, however seal Hou one matter was a child's play some."
But Jiang Jun Teng of the part this just knows with at Zhang Ju Ya real person the little boy of the side is incredibly the Emperor nowadays, he hurriedly kneels at ground up move to invite saint Anne, however this time now there also does someone have idea to realize him.
I took a look Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De and Tan Lun, then just say:
"The gentleman has no joke!Do two adults want to make the emperor be failed in promise to world?I enemy someone the honor versus dishonor is small, but want to let world the person knew this affair, that emperor returned hereafter how to handle national affairs, how let foreign nation do those monarchs swear allegiance?"
Zhang Ju Ya Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De and Tan Lun Liang individuals are seen by my this time righteously of words to blocking up a mouth, but being few someones can the managing so keeping annoying strongly contend for begging a benefits for he or she, but free to Zhang Ju Ya just thinking broke head to can't thought of, either the small emperor has already been haltering his/her own ordinary members, prepare to deal with Related articles:

