
cheap beats by dre m the diagram doesn'

Doing not mean can high Zhen without the sorrow, five aftertime of Ka of Ka Er will what should one do, can the fee Be some to deliberate.
Ka Shi gram the diagram can become young one generation in of raise Chu, think have to be far some naturally, at least, compare with to kill older generation leaders like match,etc, this idea, doing not put cow sheep, gold and silver the top is at those.On the steppe, the force is the only standard of strong or weak, but population, would be the groundwork of force.
Inside Ka Er Ka 5 want to want to get more populations, this in addition to looting anotherly and Mongolia tribe, woulding be has to have a safe environment just can.This time because of kill a match be captured one matter, Ka Shi gram diagram drive take charge of Ka Er the Ka Mongolia ride soldier right to land benefit, in addition to revenging,cheap beats by dre, Ka Shi gram the diagram also want to cooperate the department with Su Ling, give Ka Er Ka Mongolia five environments that set a consolation.
In fact, beard the autumn is green to start to set up black mountain of city after, those businessmen are since then continuous, that advantage that bring, but connect to kill persons like match,etcs all a full face to smile an idea.If can keep on remaining, believe Ka Er the Ka Mongolia can get a faster development opportunity.Certainly, by so doing, with Su Ling ground relation, will be further just good.
On the beginning of this March one celebration dinner, Su Ling is that words, pour is let Ka Shi gram diagram just a little one Zheng, this combats all ended, where still want to beat again?
"General, " Ka Shi gram the diagram respectully say:"We can all have no dint of this time, if have an opportunity, certainly want to try ground."
The Su Ling lo wears Ka Shi gram diagram, say with a smile:"As long as you would like to, this still does the sorrow have no an useful place?"
Ka Shi gram the diagram say with a smile:"Invite general clear speech."
Su Ling but smile but don't answer.Raise wine cup.To Ka Shi gram the diagram signal hint.Then first drink to the utmost.Ka Shi gram the diagram also followed to drink one cup.
Su Ling looking at Ka Shi gram diagram.Just a little accept smiling face.Say:"The that section Er Qin is 1.Can you have confidence mightier than?"
The section Er Qin is Mongolia.Admired with Nu Er at the earliest stage red walked together.This not only is form alliance.It is two to still have a marriage.That relation isn't generally good.As for Ka Er Ka Mongolia 5.Can be an enemy opponent with section Er Qin.Both parties for battle out a ground of friction that ranch, cow sheep takes place.Isn't a year and two years ground matter.Just not is haven't taken place on a large scale the conflict BE.Su Ling so an ask.Ka Shi gram the diagram can come right away interest.
"General."Ka Shi gram the diagram ask a way:"If usually.We Ka Er the Ka is five and section Er Qin.Differ only a few.There is victory or defeat with each other.However.This time we these 12,000 ride a soldier.It is 1 to deal with section Er Qin.That is 100%ly the confidence.How.Is general's wanting to deal with section Er Qin 1?"
Su Ling saw Ka Shi a gram figure is one eye.Just a little grind to a stop a short moment.Immediately after say:"Ka Shi gram diagram.Although we meeteach other not much.But my lo's wearing you are also a good brave fellow.I this then kept saying."
"General, " Ka Shi gram the diagram say:"There are words that please speak."
"Good."Su Ling says:"My preparation is then a resort to arms to the section Er Qin, from beard the autumn is green with you take and ride a soldier for lord.Two of you section Er the Qin Be a to blur out from the steppe."
That beard autumn is green to sit upright the gram is at the Ka Shi diagram body side, at this time on listenning to, immediately say:"Eldest brother, wants ~only the food grass supply ground up, anotherly didn't say ground."
Ka Shi gram the diagram twist a head to took a look a beard green for autumn, also say:"When set out?"
Su Ling says:"This is several
Ka Shi gram the diagram is just a little hesitant, say:"Please issue order to would be."
Su Ling take over the wine pot, give Ka Shi gram the diagram pour a full cup of and say:"The cannon brigade that this time gives you one more 500 people, it was enough meet expenses to use to offend city.However, this mule still have to you re-offer some."
Ka Shi gram once the figure smile and say:"This doesn't eliminate to say ground."
Su Ling says with smile:"This section Er Qin, you are two from negotiate to would be.I want to say of, is this place Chen Yang's arrangement."
The autumn of the beard is green to say:"Is a food grass?"
"Not, " Su Ling says:"It is a land."
"Land?"The autumn of the beard green one Leng, but immediately understand, the matter of this land, inevitable with Ka Shi gram diagram relevant.
Su Ling looking at Ka Shi gram diagram, ask a way:"Your father is still rest how many of the leaders, would like to arrive Chen Yang to live?"
"This" Ka Shi gram the diagram doesn't understand Su Ling's intention.
Su Ling says:"You also saw, the this sun city had been already got empty at present, and this wants a reconstruction naturally.If would like to come to Chen Yang to settle down, I intend to the you and your father a piece ofly, this house lately sets up to also use a few months.Certainly, rest tribe leaders, also similar, if would like to come over, I am then similar to give a piece of land."
Ka Shi gram the diagram hope Su Ling and completely ignore to solve this is how to speak of.This arrives man the ground settle down, is naturally a good matter.Man ground produce, the none isn't what mongols wants.Formely due to the rules of greatly clear imperial government, connect compensation trade, still have to etc. horse City to open for business to just have, don't even make reference to Chen Yang to settle down.
Su Ling immediately after says:"Said first you, you would like to come to Chen Yang to live bottom?"
"If can, " Ka Shi gram the diagram say, "nature is would like to."
Su Ling says with smile:"It is then it good.
As for your father, wait you to return to ask, by that time as long as telling me then can.Rest of, is all arranged by me."
"Thank general."Ka Shi gram the diagram is obviously still not that understand.
Su Ling saw a beard green one eye for autumn and immediately after said:"Hereafter, this east of the Liao territory, no longer limit the mutual contacts of Hahn people and mongols, as for horse City, also unlimited date, all every day open, however would not° until choose a few places to settle down be good."
This is certainly a good news, Liao east all the department can have never had like this way of doing.
"That section Er the Qin is a , grass field, population, all return your Ka Er Ka department."Su Ling says.
"That general" Ka Shi gram the diagram hesitate ground to ask a way.
"Horse, cow and sheep, I want ~only half."Su Ling lightly says:"All returning of the rest you the Ka Er Ka department.How
" Depend on general say."Ka Shi gram the diagram say.
Once Su Ling smile and say:"Is all admire a red marriage with Nu Er, similar is a don't stay.Can you make?"
"The general trusts."Ka Shi gram the diagram say with smile.
"Good."Su Ling wanted to think and said:"Waited to solve section Er the Qin is a , if you still want to display you that ride a soldier of brave, to might as well go north one more.Equally, food grass I come to supply."
Ka Shi gram the diagram Zheng is big eyes, ask a way:"Or similar?"
"Not, " Su Ling says with smile:"The place canned put to pasture, still give that you, cultivate of the ground return me.How?"
Though this didn't explain, 2 people all know, what Su Ling says, what to point is in addition to section Er Qin outside, those zero spread to distribute Mongolia intertribal.If really press Su Ling say, the sphere of influence of the Ka Er Ka department, but want to extend several, till then, afraid is Lin Dan Han whom the Cha admires Er, also not definitely dare small lo Ka Er the Ka is 5.Is past, Ka Shi gram the diagram immediately nod to promise.
Always, trap however Mongolia each tribe of, however is a food grass problem, this is also the cause for fighting.As long as there being food, with Ka Shi gram diagram hand inside these 10,000 ride soldier more, really can attain to sweep big Mo of steppe.That Ka Shi gram although the diagram there is no unification Mongolia of heart, can here Mongolia the east, northern district, also have already calculated.Is former however is to don't have confidence just, there is this time a beard green one going together for autumn, and artillery, food grass supply, also have what can worry?
Connect down, Su Ling then didn't discuss it later this matter, however, with Ka Shi gram the diagram negotiate the problem of land that gets for Ka Er each radical of Ka since that dividing, discuss of, mostly is the size, decoration of house hospital, and correspond of land problem.Finally, Su Ling gives each Ka Er Ka the intertribal leader is 5,000 acres of lands, just the person of that farming, but want the leaders to bring by himself/herself.At the same time, Su Ling directly explains, these land, similar want to pay a food according to the rules of tax.For this, Ka Shi gram the diagram didn't hestitate ground to promise.Was white to get several thousand acres of lands, also cared that food tax Related articles:

