
beats by dre solo outhern Liberation A

Of the Ms T-98s is not on a file time, some drive red arrows 9 anti-tank guided missiles destroy.The artillery thermodynamic power density is more also the ratio of southern Liberation Arm soldier greatly get many, those assault of more the soldier is under the strokes of the gunfire and the electricity beetle infantry chariot also crest not how long.Large numbers of battle supplieses are from Cambodia and seamlessly deliver to the hand of southern Liberation Arm, they more fight more brave.Aroused to fight more than a months more soldier death and harm more than 20,000 persons, lost more than 100 tanks and more than 80 chariots, pretty not next go to, have to pullout of troops.The village for damaging of more than 100s of leavings, 5,000 had more the civilian's corpse to become more the offense certificate of soldier unruly conduct.Southern people all in the deep thought:"Does Hanoi regard as the compatriot to us?"
Try in the frontier establishment of south to blockade a linear task to destine can not complete.In the mountain area more soldier also can scatter connect a brigade activity, what to welcome is the villager's apathetic taste.The cost that lays a mine in the boundary's pouring isn't high, but if don't tell a villager, so meeting mistake deep-fried villager;Tell the villager's words, absolutely be send land mine toward the southern Liberation Arm.Really killed by explosion some villagers afterwards, caused the objection of the mightiness of villager.Hanoi also wants to send a Northerner for each village to be a village master, all right impassability, first is no one would like to arrive a poor place of this kind of strange, and once the battalion walk, those false village masters disappeared in succession.In water net district of Mekong didn't go as well, heavy type weapon again enter don't go, the troops of north can not is a frontier at all.Because there since have no railroad, highway also seldom, situation on road also bad, more the soldier still made some inland river patrol boats and had never been in near the bank water grass cluster flown the rocket of to play for several days with guided missile to polish off.The soon southern Liberation Arm owned the dynamoelectric armor patrol boat that the our army makes in the Phnom Penh and started fighting into this region more soldier.The region that were basic to relieve the peninsula of gold Ou and Mekong to 3 the end of the months built up firm base.From Cambodia be helped more convenience.
"03" action in battles have already tossed about to die peacefully in bed for 2 months.The Du government clear group felt completely inhibitting of China, like more fighting of those early years, affirmation includes large numbers of Chinese field battle soldiers took part in southern Liberation Arm, but these can not confirm, the Chinese people since have civic rights with what not ability three soldiers?China still blockaded the side Mao market completely and could bring Chinese visitor of many foreign exchange incomes in the past an also be missing, and the Chinese people of the whole world have already all boycotted to travel in Vietnam.On the water then scathingly the treatment cross the border the fishing boat of stealing the fishing.With Laos and Cambodia of the frontier is to blockade to authorities in Hanoi, but become the big rear of southern Liberation Arm.Incite in China Singapore and Thailand basically have already ruptured economic trade contacts from the same Vietnam.The Du government clear group tries to open this logjam, the adoption goes for broke of the skill turn round disadvantageous situation.
The United States and Japan's helping is getting better enough gradually and also talked with weapon contract in ushering in of Russia, France, so the acted and procrastinated absolutely disadvantageous to Vietnam.The general staff released "05" battle projects, with the sea blank line move for lord of this acts important point very Jian Jie:-Seize with the legal means white Long Wei Dao to control big slice of waters and mainland of northern gulf.-Send fishing boat strong march forward the exclusive area that declares into the Chinese, with the manufacturing dispute, take detention action to Chinese fishing round and the merchantman at the same time to worsen south the situation of the sand waters.-Is a month dark night on July 19, the cent strengthens to offend by sneak attack to with one action attack and occupy peace six Gao Jiao Wu of China, such as island and always hot Jiao...etc. in dawn.-After starting out air force to seize to make empty power, exterminate with the saturated guided missile attack of attack machine south Chinese vessel of the sand waters.-Immediately deploy the defence capabilities guard south sand islands, and warn China can not take hostile action, otherwise will cut off China of south china sea flight path.After reaching the above-mentioned target, for recover the island of Kun Lun and rich country island to lay foundation.
After the emulation process that explain in detail and played to show this to act at the personnel of staff officer, total chief of staff Wu Guo Xin's great commander made Chien slightly of explanation:"White Long Wei Dao's middle point in northern gulf more medium mainland of 2 countries, the north the gulf mark out boundary of the treaty stipulate common from both parties develop, we make a concession.Actually is all basically our person in the island, a little amount top island of Chinese fishermans all bombed for us to walk.Started coming a to ascend an island for Chinese in February, more than 200 persons of our island blame their seizing has been already developed of land, their insisting that is a piece of and disorderly stone wasteland.Began to beat to get up after arguing, this more than 50 affirmation were to once be subjected to disciplinally work especially, unexpectedly win victory.And come right away a few fishing boats unloaded many tools and supplies, mounted sudden attack to carve to build fence and house.Soon move to come to more than 200 persons, also fixed a small wharf.They are premeditated.We will mobilize 2 marines for connecting the slack suit bombs them to walk, as long as they dare to use weapon, so is them to break treaty, we can capture the island.We in advance have already constructed many defences, the secret stores large numbers of ammunitions."Foreign Minister's Pan's country any interrupts conversation a way:"We begin first, the Chinese will also blame us to break treaty."
"We motionless use violence a machine, the informality sends troops, and they could not grasp a hold.Their person's affirming will take weapon, we rely on persons more bomb walk they as long as grasping a hold, is that they tear treaty."
Defense secretary Chen Wen Dong:"Can the materials of Russia and France when arrive?"Wu Guo Xin helplessly answers a way:"48 American tiger attacks of France machine, 26" wildcat"the helicopter can finish refitting to carry an our country next month.Our personnel's training has been already started.The problem is the material of Russia, their upper level is very aggressive, but the grass-roots work efficiency is too low.40 Sus-24, Su-17 attack machines, 4 sea reconnaissance planes, 4 cards-31 early-warning helicopters, 82 rices-24, 22 cards-27 would not° until in mid- June deliver goods.But add of 2 gram the inside tile gram III class escort the warship and 2 cruise to defend a warship to complete a reformation.The personnels all have already gone to Russia to train."
Fan Wen Jie asks the navy the commander:"Can you in time prepare and beat to have confidence?"Must be to beat first to protect a ticket according to the navy's commander member Ruan text even full general original temper, however the heavy stroke that is in a row subjected to Chinese is behind have guilty conscience many, he must pull air force also up:"Preparation is in time, the Russian promises a vessel for a while ship set from Russian navy with us of receive a personnel to carry on sea to try together, and load weapon and fuel, manipulate a vessel to sail our ports together, this is to bestly acquaint with process.The battle waters in last time closes to the island of Kun Lun too much, is plotted secretly against by Chinese.This time at on taking decisive battle, always hot Jiao-peace's island's peace island although the Chinese are stepping up a construction, finally only 0.4 square kilometers can not put a few airplanes and take the gold orchid gulf and bud Chuang as our air force of the base has absolute advantage and get empty inhibitting of strength in my sea under, the Chinese would don't strike back of leeway.Their Jiaos in the island all at our surround in, we want ~only in advance concealment well equal crack troops,beats by dre solo, implementation mount sudden attack is steady to hold to win a coupon."
The Ruan text evenly talks is have certain truth, our country at first at always hot, red melon, China sun, south smoked, Zhu green jade, east 6 next in importance Jiao dishes in the door up set up ocean station or Gao Jiao Wu.The always hot Jiao is about 740 nautical miles apart from the Mainland, located in a peace island to the half-way of south Wei island, be located in south china sea central flight path and south China waterway's handing over to remit a northwest to be apart from a gold orchid gulf is about 250 nautical miles.The always hot Jiao presents long oval, the whole Jiao dish breadth is about 7.5 nautical miles, grow 26 nautical miles, water deep 14-20 meters, at low ebb peep out few reef.Its northeast 55 nautical miles greatly now Jiao, the whole life Jiao of southeast 50 nautical miles, the south is partial to west the eastern Jiao of 46 nautical miles all for seize for Vietnam.On August 2, 1988, the our country was finished in the always hot Jiao an international ocean station, a small scaled wharf and house.In the process of setting up to stand in, my navy inflicted a heavy losses on to make more a soldier on March 14.
China sun Jiao is a Yi to celebrate the most eastern one Jiao in a group of Jiaos, the eastern Jiao of its west, medium Jiao, west Jiao and south the Wei island be all occupied by Vietnam.China sun Jiao at Related articles:

