
Beats by Dr Dre solo le of piece for deve

These two battleship don't sell at a loss 200,000 many two?!
End Tan Yan 闿 and the hole of piece pass telegram contact and plus mulberry to cure even the in the mood for concession in this aspect, make a pair person of reached new battleship to order contract-within two years, three Wei class dragon's cruisers will have 2 to mark down price 600,002 each alienations currently the navy is to Southern Asia, but Tan Yan 闿 then within these two years use these two battleship first strong public appearance, resist Japanese navy, have these two years.Traveling agreeable dockyard completely can construct new cruiser of one Class.
This contract all has an advantage to southern north ocean, Tan Yan 闿 can calmly acquire time and funds the north is to the development ocean navy,Beats by Dr Dre solo, and the hole of piece can also don't on the whole be got with opposite cheaper price to fall behind far away below north of a ground of coastal defense pressure of cruiser-Southern Asia ocean navy, far come short of a high need on the battleship function.The horsetail ship political situation in Fukien constructed in those early years of even far warship, because all of the module adopted import, connect took freight and constructed expenses to be up to 500,000 many two, and now the hole of piece however is to more wait up and for a while, then can buy with 600,002 prices navy's level and speech be also regarded as the forerunner's battleship now, he absolutely can't suffer a los.
The more important mulberry cured the hole of the piece of even representative and Tan Yan 闿 to finally sign "inner part loan agreement"-from Southern Asia support 3,000,002 to lend from the mansion database to north ocean, life of loan is a year.Then the north ocean with interest compensates Southern Asia 5,000,002.This is extremely a the agreement of the inequality, but this comes out more of 2,000,002 remove 200,002 is lend money interest outside.The rest is 1,800,002 of the hole can not at will use, can be used for educating aspect, and must been modern style education.
Tan Yan 闿 wants to pull the hole of piece to come to deliver a war wealth together, the hole of the piece always big hand the big feet don't know economical, however is similar or let Tan Yan 闿 very applaud of-the hole of piece for development new style education agree with very much, and he once was moving to publicly once advocate to rescind civil service exam system in the chapter and built up westernly education system.Although the hole of piece at and reformist of of in the cooperation, there is the force-out 《current public affairs report 》 ground precedent, from it seeing is various, can say the hole of piece Chinese political arena is the "vanguard" of the name matches the reality nowadays.
Tan Yan 闿 has been full of of even none of oneselfs clear they have how much property.Although what richest person in the distance world certainly still needs to walk a very long road,can not deny is that he has already can'ted be money but become sad, but be in the light of a wealth to not and outside expose of spirit, he has to take into dissimulation to own property condition.This limited the modern style education system that he can not develop China according to own will.
The mulberry cures even some to the prices of Tan Yan 闿s complaint cruisers expensively time, Tan Yan 闿 just thoughted of since north the mansion databases of the ocean all participation come in to become rich, why not bind the hole of piece in Southern Asia to come in together?For letting the hole of piece have peace of mind.Tan Yan 闿's opening to use to arrive sheep textile mill share is the condition of mortgage and promise regardless for a year after he at how the income of American stock market is, all will ground in Southern Asia 3,000,002 connect to take interest to compensate on time, if pay what problem, can repay debt the share distress sale empress of the arriving of equivalent sheep textile mill to Southern Asia.
Afterwards Tan Yan 闿 feels that he does hall obviation in University of Shandong by himself beginning ground most the expenditure is more outside, later starting of a year expenses however just 60,002, this in the center still hasing very part is the scholarship of excellent student at inside, if not calculate these budget for running a school to reduce come of will be more.Tan Yan 闿 got affirmation answer of the Rong Qing of square, once western America outbreak of war, after getting victorious news, the American stock market's in a short time related ammunition industry stock soars 100% still have no problem.
Is also say the hole of piece in a year, steady is to be of acquire 5,000,002, earnings of 2,000,002 plane in addition to interest, those 1,800,002 all let the hole of piece to do a school
However is impossible, certainly the expense of the obviation necessity of Tan Yan 闿 outside, also piece the profits for deserving, speak of to he enough silver, still want and with much ado come to hide own wealth sometimes-though his wealth drools in the already letting of the clear side many people, with conceal wealth but speech that the oil-field trading post behind him acquires and are small sorceries and see a big sorcery.
Advances by leaps and bounds in the north ocean of also want at the same time in consideration of the present condition of Southern Asia, though Tan Yan 闿 would not like to release his/her own too many resourceses in the south, because the south keeps off Peking thus and becomes Chinese revolution ground in advance in thoughting and political the region because of the cause of geography advantage, oneself's releasing the resources in Southern Asia is own very suffered control.The most important its safety will also beat to fold.
Even if such, Tan Yan 闿 would like to also strengthen education investment on Southern Asia, and in other respect let Southern Asia purchase the industrial article-battleship of northern ocean, in order to facilitate traveling the ages that the agreeable shipbuilding place doesn't have foreign order can keep strong production power, form a virtuous cycle thus.Remove battleship bargain outside, there is all flourishing small arms manufacturing industry in the north ocean underneath machine bureau in Tienjin and manufacturing bureau in Chiang-Nan in Shanghai, at Tan Yan 闿 previous incarnation memory in from piece it open widely to do of before Chinese sun arsenal works open great luck, a ground of small arms that army uses particularly is rifles is all provided by machine bureau in Tienjin, horse can the Qin machine gun, infantry military camp cannon and shell then from two share order together.
The large sum of weapon ammunition trades not only can make the modern style army in Southern Asia is in the process of raising to set up in economized large sum of silver, also can repress modern style army in Southern Asia to seek independent path on the weapon arms.Force the hole of piece to the man sun arsenal works make aspect in the small arms don't throw in so big energy.By so doing north the navy of the ocean be regardless all when willing surpass navy in Southern Asia, but the army in Southern Asia regardless in training still ammunition supply up will receive north the forbearance of the ocean.Keep on developing like this, once taking place what mishap, Tan Yan 闿 also good with borrow north the ocean force form absolute advantage to Southern Asia and force Southern Asia to pour toward oneself's this side.
Although Tan Yan 闿 always management with keep belonging to for center of northern China, always have an eye to pay attention to the hole of piece before the management ground was two lake regions, because not only he was person in Hunan, more because two provinces in Hunan, Hubei was located in district in China center, so-called ground of four wars necessarily contend for of-he of so so strongly pushed forward a city man railroad ground the construction was also in person just thinking that oneself could not conduct two lakes.At time is propitious of can make the troops able to take train to capture two lake regions quickly.
Cure after Tan Yan 闿 and mulberry some kind of even after haggling, both parties reached this to two but the speeches all have the agreement of advantage-from silver in Southern Asia and north ocean secret investment American stock market to deliver war wealth in the western America.Among them, the financial risk is arrived sheep textile mill stock by Tan Yan 闿 to guarantee, gain profits to allot in Tan Yan 闿's industry and business bank and exclusively develop new style education in Southern Asia and coastal defense to use a style.
Is an aforetime the knowledge member of generation, the mulberry cures even not is to understand very much through a financial means and attain with the purpose that money livings money, also not believe that the war of of two great powers nations can make oneself acquire 100% above profitses.However this bargain to there is no half silk risk in Southern Asia, former incumbent two river governor of province and Southern Asia big minister Liu Kun's along together not as big as the hole of piece hand big feet, for establish an ocean duty, he always hold the attitude of a little bit support, the unique a comparison the earth expenditure woulds be at in A noon war in day ordered four torpedo boats in Germany a month ago.
Liu Kun Yi didn't be like Li Hong Zhang so can the Zan"private savings", but"secret account" staying is also to have a lot, Tan Yan 闿 sees the mulberry cure even take out 3,000,002 silver checks of existing the Hongkong Bank.Know the hole of piece just about with the circumstance that the old headman takes up, all acquired predecessor stores down ground small treasury.In the heart of Tan Yan 闿 a move and then put forward to exist the savings of foreign bank in mansion database in Southern Asia can transfer industry and business bank, there can be certain special discount on the interest, and exist Chinese oneself ground bank hand in.Is total compare put in the foreign bank to want insurance much.
For Tan Yan 闿's suggestion, the mulberry cures even but Wan speech refused, after all who would not like to let, either Related articles:

