
Beats By Dr Dre Solo hen Wan Rong underst

Glory has a little strain.
Xiao to medium they also looking at Chen Wan Rong and hope Chen late glory to give affirmation and say with smile:"That I taste."Xia one mouthful, the flavor is quite good, say with smile:"Drink so much, the wine of your Niang is quite good!"
Chen Wan Rong's affirmation lets Xiao to medium they feel more fig up, all is a full face happily, a way of strength:"Many thanks to shopkeeper!"
Together working flash across, Chen Wan Rong's excitement of on clapping head, in mind shout loudly 1"have wine, there is sulfuric acid, there is Fei stone, can do a kind of medicine.This appears tang dynasty, affirmation wants to calculate the milestone on the medical science history!The sulfuric acid is used as catalyst, consumption isn't big, ten catties of sulfuric acid also want to build one to be several hundreds of and move to come back so many Dan fans today, can build a lot of.However, must lift the density of wine first up, not the ability maded wine so again, must do first to distil wine."Distil wine naturally, Chen the glory late shut eyes to also can make.
Broadly a kind of application medicine will appear in the tang dynasty!Chen Wan Rong more thinks it's more excited, eyes brightness is like lantern.

Road chapter 49 of the second hair house makes money profession
Renew time:2009-4-1115:39:08 chapter word numbers:5594

The Chen glory late wants to do of the medicine is efficiently anaesthetic B ether.B ether is extensively applied to medicine profession, ease pain and sufferings for patient, if B ether appears in the tang dynasty, affirmation will go place.
The anaesthetic has extensive market prospect in the tang dynasty, the famous doctor cure of the thou can not leave an anaesthetic.The flat magpies is used "poison wine" charming, is the earliest anaesthetic.The China Tuo system"hemp the Fei spread" is to push forward an anaesthetic forward one step, is doubly applauded by people of this world.
The making of B ether isn't in fact difficult, as long as has the alcohol, sulfuric acid and Fei the stone and then can do out.The sulfuric acid is the catalyst that B ether produces, say to take part in chemical reaction from the theory, but don't consume.In the actual production, sulfuric acid affirmation has been already exhausted and just exhaust not and greatly, the alum that discovers today can ast least do ten catties of several oil of vitriols and be good enough to produce several hundred up to thousand B ethers.
Produce B ether with the alcohol, unique difficult Be been placed in to a demand of the alcohol of high density, had better approach 100 to divide 100, otherwise will take place Qi to turn reaction.The wine of the tang dynasty mainly comes from to make wine profession, its density however ten several 20 degrees, if the words used the wine in nowadays, only this lifts thick is a big bother, don't even say that the wine in nowadays implies a lot of sedimentses, the disadvantage is at the chemical reaction.
This needs to lift the alcohol thick and distil wine also lift last argument matter agenda.The density that distils wine at most 7810 degree, leave the density needed to need to still have a certain margin, however this is difficult don't live Chen Wan Rong, who make the Fei stone extensively be existed to nature in?There is Fei stone, lift the dry wine of 7810 degrees thick to become 100 to divide 100 not a problem.Once these conditions have, B ether this kind of efficiently the anaesthetic can publish, the patient's pain and sufferings will big for lower.Being brought benefit to to a society, and making money makes none of excitements don't become.
"Still glory, you return to at once and please the dad and teacher king, say that I occupy to seek them."The Chen glory late once called Xiao still glory, order severals.
Xiao still glory although not clear Chen Wan Rong's intention sees him one face where of earnest.Know this matter graveness, in response to 1, turn round to run to walk.
The wine that the wine leaks out in Lao is more and more, the waiters added a few underwaters to go, this wine temporary came to an end for the time being, and the affair of rest is to wait it to ferment naturally.This process is very long, need 32 days.
Xiao to in take person to squeeze.Wrap wine Lao in the cloth, put on the shelf, up put granite plank, the elephant presses bean curd similar, the wine syrup run off come, drips into an urn and sends out the sound of Hua Hua.
Put more than ten wine altars in flank a big Fu machine, the wine altar outside immerses for water.The Fu bottom adds firewood grain.Temperature ascension, water isn't doing live to come out water vapor.This one step is to cook wine, protect the step that the quality has to carry on, were it not for this one step, the wine is not likely to deposit over a long period of time, can't even have "the daughter is red" such of wine.
The tang dynasty doesn't have better heating equipments, this is the very original method.But is have to be.
Squeeze and boiled to stay two people to looking at and then went, Xiao to in arrange two waiters to stay to guard, take others to do a wine song.Making wine Chen Wan Rong isn't unfamiliar.Just the tang dynasty ground doesn't clearly make wine a craft still and want naturally with see understand.
The song room was making wine the behind of workshop, soon was.Xiao to in push away a door.It is file in public but go into.A strong fungi flavor rushes toward noodles since then, smoked Chen Wan Rong don't live**nose.
The song room is a generous and strict solid soil bad house, open a window on the wall, the window gives Wu get strict actually solid of, the ray is very dark.Of so want Wu to live a window, is for the sake of keep air current from taking calories, because the song wants after working well after fermenting of long time, the words of temperature Gao can greatly for shrink short time.Lifting is high-efficiency.
If the temperature leads highland words.Open window, allow air current.Take parts of thermal energies, this is the most original temperature to regulate a method.
The indoor puts 100 much 200 song molds, rectangle shape.Side there is a big wooden pail that fills up rice flour, in filled up to steam familiar rice flour.Don't wait Xiao to medium order, waiter chase the wine song is on the rice flour, Sa's Sa over wine song again Sa few spice, mix even.
The Sa goes into spice wine the flavor for the sake of the increment is a kind of ancient method,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, be still use now.
Then go the even Sa of rice flour into the song mold, compress tightly actually.Then the Sa goes into and compresses tightly again, thus again and again.Until the song mold fills up and covers cover.Xiao to in say a voice:"Step a song."Stand to in the cover, the double feet bring up to let go of and let go of to lift a song, the good elephant does tap dance general, step on the song mold.
Be stepping and counting number of times, stepped ten times, Xiao to medium station come down.Another waiter is just wanting to immediately after go up, Chen the glory late block his way:"I come."Stand to in the song mold, the double feet don't stop to rise and fall and stepped ten times and stood to in the ground.
With Xiao to in think come, Chen the glory late do a chemical engineering to contain 1 set, this makes wine and then wased not oneself's opponent, don't even say to make a song to is the core technique for making wine, the wine ground quality is mainly decided by song, Chen late the glory should know not a thing, have never thought Chen late the glory step a song like the experienced person, pole be familiar with, compared with oneself to still once have it, but all and.
Leng Leng, Xiao to winning this the Kua is just great:"Shopkeeper, you the past Niang lead wine?Step so well-learnedly."
Of so want to step a song, is for the sake of compress tightly song actually, quickly ferment speed, the trade secret only has a , be want to make the strength even.Ancient times' stepping a song is valued very much, a box of song needs to step to approach 200 times to just complete on the whole and meets a large wine shop, light this steps a song to need several 10 people to complete, everybody steps fixed number of times, for example everybody five times.
Modern make wine business enterprises to all operate with the machine, no longer use person to step a song, its efficiency greatly for raise.Chen Wan Rong is making wine to stay in business enterprise, made wine to have understand to now.This steps a song as long as the strength makes even, is individuals all will, Chen the glory late keep him consistent modest style, say with smile:"Understand 1:00."
Listen to out, Chen Wan Rong understood towards making wine really, Xiao to in have to lay up the heart of slight, great way:"Shopkeeper, you true humbleness!"A few waiters by turn go to battle, don't live to step.1 finishes stepping and carries on second run, Xiao to winning, Chen Wan Rong still have waiter step 170 feet, just work well a box of song, move a part to put.
The emergence of the piece song is to make wine an important event on the history, call last milestone.At the earliest stage made wine to use ground is to spread a song, so-called spread a song be have the song mixed, the Sa is on the ground, was fermented naturally by it.The blemish of this method is very obvious, on being that the thermal energy is lost, the temperature cans not go up, time fermenting is specially long, there are no ten days, and the half month is impossibly good.Two is effective compositions few, the food land utilization is used an efficiency not high, waste a food very much.
The west man has a round flat cake song.Knead a song by hand conglobation, put into a heap of to ferment.This method compares with to spread a song to have a progress, its effect is still poor.Arrived South and North Dynasty to have a song mold, 《together the people wants Shu 》 was called "Fan", mix a good wine song to put song Related articles:

